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The building was built in 1922 for Ivan Hristov Shotov. The author of the project is the famous Varna architect Dabko Dabkov (arch. Dabko Petrov Dabkov - 1875-1945). It is located at the intersection of "Ohrid" Street and "Tsaribrod" Street, on the street regulation and on a shield with the neighboring buildings on both streets. It consists of a fully underground basement, a high commercial ground floor, one residential and one attic floor. The main function is commercial, which is why the project is entitled "Profitable Building". The building has a massive supporting structure, and the floors and roof are wooden. As in the original project, there are commercial areas with separate entrances on the ground floor, and the residential part is entered from Tsaribrod Street. The living floor has a simplified layout and consists of three rooms. The house has a segmented corner bay window, ending with an architectural element - a tower. Interventions are mainly seen on the ground floor, where the commercial areas are. In the residential floors, apart from the glazed balcony, the building has largely preserved its authentic appearance.

The building is a typical representative of the objects with mixed functions in this part of the city, where trade is one of the main occupations of the local residents. Due to the minor interventions, the building has high value characteristics in typological and scientific terms. The building is characterized by the great attention to the plastic volume solution, which is a characteristic feature of the entire work of architect D. Dabkov. The corner tower, which is the characteristic element of the building, was not executed according to the design, but regardless of its increased height, it stands as a convincing volumetric accent.

The decorative decoration is relatively sparing, but placed masterfully and in full accordance with the project. Unfortunately, the landscaping of the plot has been completely destroyed. A positive fact is that there is no correction of the dimensions of the parterre openings. The restrained decorativeness and the consistent floral theme in the decorative treatment speak of a strong Secession influence. As in every project, arch. D. Dabkov does not fit into one style. The general volumetric solution above the parterre and the shape of the corner tower's finish give off a neo-baroque influence. Overall, the suggestion is eclectic, in the best sense of the term, the composition is masterful and convincing.

It is not known that the building is connected with significant historical events.

In terms of urban planning, the building, together with the other buildings from Tsaribrod Street, is part of a fairly well-preserved ensemble of buildings from the 1920s and 1930s century.


Arch. Dabko Dabkov

Техническо състояние

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