
First cultural layer: 1st century BC. - 2nd - 3rd century; Second cultural layer: 5th - 6th century


The site was discovered very recently (May 2019) and is of extreme interest, not only because of its complex and multi-layered stratigraphy, but also because of the hypothesis that the southern gate of the late-ethnic Odessos has been discovered. The excavations are carried out in connection with investment intentions - implementation of a project for "Aestheticization and modernization in the sub-zone "Odessos" 2". The RIM Varna team, led by Assoc. Dr. Valeri Yotov, initially revealed a structure of massive stone blocks of dry masonry with incised channels, "swallow tail" type. It is believed that this is the continuation of the fortress wall, dating from late Hellenism - 1st century BC. and the Roman era from II - III centuries. The route coincides with the one opened in 1982. fortress wall by M. Lazarov, during the construction of the NTS (Scientific and Technical Union) building, dated from the same period. The width of the wall is nearly 2.80 m.

On top of the Hellenistic rampart was another later wall of massive rusticated stone blocks and well-worked, small stones bound together with pink mortar. In its highest preserved part, the construction consists of 3-4 rows of ceramic bricks. One of the main channels (cloaka), structurally embedded in the wall, was also revealed. The dating of the late wall is attributed to the Late Antiquity - Roman era - 4th - 6th centuries.

Movable cultural values were found around - fragments, coins, a marble base of a column and a bronze lamp, which confirm the periodization.

The uppermost structures that were removed, for to explore the fortress walls are dated from the beginning of the 19th century. It is assumed that this was the "military warehouse" built in 1832-1834.

When drilling south of the revealed Hellenistic and Roman walls, it is clear that there are no cultural layers. The discovery of a dense sandy base at a relatively shallow depth gives grounds for the claim that during the period of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages (4th-7th centuries) the seashore began immediately next to the fortress wall.

Rescue excavations are currently underway and research continues. The function and purpose of the discovered archaeological sites has yet to be clarified.


Borders of the object - "Tsar Simeon" Street, "Tsaribrod" Street, "L. Zamenhof" Street, "Kozloduy" Street; Archaeological Reserve "Odessos", Varna

Културна пренадлежност

Hellenistic culture; Roman culture;


2019 - revealed by Prof. Dr. Valeri Yotov

Техническо състояние

Good technical condition; In process of research;

Статут /описан в АКБ/

National importance - reserve / declared by Order of the Council of Ministers No. 76 of 27.04.1974.

Режим на опазване /съгласно чл.35 от НАРЕДБА №7/


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