Година на построяване


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There is evidence that on this place in 1873 a Turkish bath was built with the owner Shukru Bay (Shukru Bay Hamam). The building was wooden, single-storey, with functional gender division - male and female. After the liberation of Bulgaria the building retained its function, but in 1911. is completely destroyed by fire.
In 1912. arch. Dabko Dabkov is preparing a "Project for the reconstruction of the Turkish bath and construction of a hotel on Hasan Bay ". A large three-storey monolithic building has been build, with a facade facing the street. The style features of the building reflect the modern European trends of the beginning of the XX century, intertwined with Oriental traditions in architecture and applied arts. The function gender division - men / women are preserved, and the hotel part of the building is rented to the Municipality.
On June 20, 1933. it houses „The Mother's Home”, which remained there until 1941. On the ground floor of the building is the printing house where the newspaper „Varna Post“ is published. After 1944, the building was nationalized and continues to be used as intended.
The building is currently at risk, in extremely poor technical condition, with limited access and emergency conservation measures.


Arch. Dabko Dabkov

Техническо състояние


Собственост (преобладаваща)

Private property


Architectural heritage object

Статут НКЦ

Single immovable heritage object




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